Does it shock you to learn that most of the food we eat today is not the food our body likes or enjoys? It's not the food it understands or knows how to process. It's not the food that made our ancestors evolve and thrive. It's not the food that our grandmas used to take pride serving. And would then teach us to appreciate, prepare and to cook. So we could pass it on to our own children. It's not the food that is healthy to our body and therefore it is not the food that's healthy for us.
Our food has become all about looks, texture, taste, aroma and presentation. If it passes some unspecified test by a self-proclaimed food expert, we think it must be good for us. In the past it was all about what our body responds to. It was about the right food for our digestive system. That would ensure the smooth, efficient running of our metabolism. So how did we change from our old, healthy traditional diet, to foods that are virtually the exact opposite?
That story began around forty years ago. It began with a phoney scare campaign about cholesterol and diet. It was the beginning of what came to be known as The Pyramid Diet. It was the new diet that would cure cholesterol. It was supported by a burgeoning cereal and snack food industry, and promoted by ambitious people who wanted to carve out a niche on the fringe of medicine.
The rest of us never stood a chance. For the past forty years we have been fed a constant diatribe about the value and benefits of carbohydrates. During that time we have gone from a majority of slim people, to a majority of fat people. All the while, protein has been pushed into the background, devalued and reviled. This is not only crazy, it's dangerous. Protein used to be called the building blocks of life. There is a good reason for that. They build and mend our internal organs, muscles tissue, skin and bones.
Without protein, we don't exist. Yet we are prepared to deprive our children who need it most. So why has this been allowed to happen? There is no money in proteins food. There are no factory mills able to churn out a dozen varieties of various protein products. No protein products are marketed to people who then gradually become addicted to those products. That's not the story about protein. That's the story of carbohydrates.
Today, after a continuous campaign of brainwashing, the average person no longer understands how our body works. How it operates our internal system and what it does with the food we eat. This was once basic knowledge. But it is not our fault. If you throw enough mud, some will stick. Muddied misinformation not only sticks, it goes on to become false dogma. Any dogma, even when false, will be perpetuated.
In another ten years, when statistics predict the obesity epidemic may affect as many as eighty % of the population, there will still be people singing the praises of carbs food while leading their flock of lab rats, towards morbid obesity, type2 diabetes, heart disease colon and bowel cancer. These unscrupulous people will be supported by a multi-billion dollar cereal and snack food industry that has grown and thrived on the back of the millions of carbohydrate addicts who suffer from the addiction.
So in conclusion let's analyse exactly what is carbohydrate, and what it can and cannot do for our poor struggling body. Let's expose at least some of the lies that have been enshrined as dogma.
Unlike protein, carbohydrates are not essential for our survival. Throughout history there have been long periods, including an ice age where people continued to survive and thrive without carbs food. Till the advent of refrigeration, carbs food was seasonal and frequently unavailable. Still people survived and continued to thrive. So what DOES carbs food do?
It provides our body with fuel if and when we need to use some energy. If we don't spend any energy, we don't use any fuel. The body is not able to store fuel. It has only one option - to turn it into body fat. That's the fat that sits on your hips, thighs and tummy. It's the fat that clogs up your arteries and nestles around your vital organs. That's the fat you should worry about because that's the fat that can kill you. It has nothing to do with the fat you eat.
What does that mean? It means the excess carbs food we eat and do not burn in energy, becomes the fat we store on or in our body. Tragically, The Food We Like To Eat Today Is No Longer The Food Our Body Understands - Or Knows How To Deal With!
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